Adapting the Installation

Adapt the installation instructions to the specific project requirements how to integrate post quantum cryptographic signatures into current library write custom code to call the PQClean or OQS functions

Okay, let's get more specific about adapting the installation instructions and integrating post-quantum signatures, particularly focusing on custom code to call PQClean or OQS functions. This will require a deeper dive into C++ coding.

**I. Project-Specific Adaptation**

1. **Identify Dependencies:**

* *Your Existing Codebase:* List all the libraries your existing wallet codebase relies on (e.g., networking, UI, database access).

* *ZK-SNARK Library:* Identify the specific ZK-SNARK library you're using and any dependencies *it* has.

* *PQClean/OQS:* Note which PQClean/OQS algorithms you've chosen. Each algorithm has its own specific requirements and build processes.

2. **Determine Build System:** What build system are you using (e.g., CMake, Make, Autotools)? The integration process depends heavily on this. CMake is very common for C++ projects.

3. **Target Architecture:** Identify the target architecture for your wallet (e.g., x86-64, ARM). This affects which libraries you need to install and how you build the code.

4. **Example (Adapted Dependency List):**

* Existing Codebase: Qt (for UI), libpq (for PostgreSQL), OpenSSL (for classical crypto).

* ZK-SNARK Library: libsnark.

* PQClean: CRYSTALS-Dilithium (signature algorithm).

* Build System: CMake.

* Target Architecture: x86-64 Linux.

**II. Integrating Post-Quantum Signatures (C++ Code Example)**

This is a simplified example to illustrate the concepts. A full integration would be more complex. Let's assume you're using `CRYSTALS-Dilithium` from PQClean, and you want to replace `OpenSSL`'s `RSA` or `ECDSA` signature with it.

1. **Building PQClean (CRYSTALS-Dilithium)**

* Clone the PQClean repository:


git clone

cd PQClean


* Build CRYSTALS-Dilithium: PQClean's build process varies depending on the algorithm. Consult the PQClean documentation. Usually, it involves using `make`. You will need the correct toolchains installed.


cd crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean/



* This will create object files or a static library (e.g., `dilithium2_clean.o` or `libdilithium2.a`). The names can differ, pay attention to the output of `make`.

2. **C++ Code Integration (Conceptual)**


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <fstream>

#include <sstream>

// Include headers for the PQClean CRYSTALS-Dilithium implementation

// You might need to adjust the include path based on your PQClean build

#include "PQClean/crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean/api.h"

#include "PQClean/crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean/sign.h"

#include "PQClean/crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean/params.h"

// Function to read a file into a vector of bytes

std::vector<unsigned char> readFile(const std::string& filename) {

std::ifstream file(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);

std::streamsize size = file.tellg();

file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(size);

if (<char*>(, size)) {

return buffer;

} else {

return {}; // Return an empty vector on failure



// Function to save a byte vector to a file

bool saveByteVectorToFile(const std::string& filename, const std::vector<unsigned char>& data) {

std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary);

if (file.is_open()) {

file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data.size());

return true;

} else {

return false;



// Function to generate a CRYSTALS-Dilithium keypair and store it in files

bool generateDilithiumKeyPair(const std::string& publicKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyFile) {



// Generate key pair using Dilithium

if (crypto_sign_keypair(pk, sk) != 0) {

std::cerr << "Key pair generation failed!" << std::endl;

return false;


// Save public key to file

std::vector<unsigned char> pk_vec(pk, pk + PQCLEAN_DILITHIUM2_CLEAN_CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);

if (!saveByteVectorToFile(publicKeyFile, pk_vec)) {

std::cerr << "Failed to save public key to file!" << std::endl;

return false;


// Save secret key to file

std::vector<unsigned char> sk_vec(sk, sk + PQCLEAN_DILITHIUM2_CLEAN_CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);

if (!saveByteVectorToFile(privateKeyFile, sk_vec)) {

std::cerr << "Failed to save secret key to file!" << std::endl;

return false;


std::cout << "Key pair successfully generated and saved to files." << std::endl;

return true;


// Function to sign a message with a CRYSTALS-Dilithium private key

std::vector<unsigned char> signMessageWithDilithium(const std::vector<unsigned char>& message, const std::string& privateKeyFile) {

// Read secret key from file

std::vector<unsigned char> sk_vec = readFile(privateKeyFile);

if (sk_vec.empty()) {

std::cerr << "Failed to read secret key from file!" << std::endl;

return {};




std::cerr << "Invalid secret key size!" << std::endl;

return {};


std::copy(sk_vec.begin(), sk_vec.end(), sk);

// Prepare buffers for the signature

unsigned char sm[message.size() + PQCLEAN_DILITHIUM2_CLEAN_CRYPTO_BYTES];

unsigned long long smlen; // Length of the signed message

// Sign the message

if (crypto_sign(sm, &smlen,, message.size(), sk) != 0) {

std::cerr << "Signing failed!" << std::endl;

return {};


// Return the signature (excluding the message itself)

return std::vector<unsigned char>(sm, sm + smlen);


// Function to verify a CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature

bool verifyDilithiumSignature(const std::vector<unsigned char>& message, const std::vector<unsigned char>& signature, const std::string& publicKeyFile) {

// Read public key from file

std::vector<unsigned char> pk_vec = readFile(publicKeyFile);

if (pk_vec.empty()) {

std::cerr << "Failed to read public key from file!" << std::endl;

return false;




std::cerr << "Invalid public key size!" << std::endl;

return false;


std::copy(pk_vec.begin(), pk_vec.end(), pk);

// Prepare buffer for the message

unsigned char m[message.size()];

unsigned long long mlen;

const unsigned char* sm =;

unsigned long long smlen = signature.size();

// Verify the signature

if (crypto_sign_open(m, &mlen, sm, smlen, pk) != 0 || mlen != message.size()) {

std::cerr << "Signature verification failed!" << std::endl;

return false;


return true;


int main() {

// Generate a Dilithium Key Pair

std::string publicKeyFile = "dilithium_public.key";

std::string privateKeyFile = "dilithium_private.key";

if (!generateDilithiumKeyPair(publicKeyFile, privateKeyFile)) {

return 1;


// Example Usage:

std::string message_str = "This is a test message to be signed.";

std::vector<unsigned char> message(message_str.begin(), message_str.end());

// Sign the message

std::vector<unsigned char> signature = signMessageWithDilithium(message, privateKeyFile);

if (signature.empty()) {

std::cerr << "Message signing failed!" << std::endl;

return 1;


// Verify the signature

if (verifyDilithiumSignature(message, signature, publicKeyFile)) {

std::cout << "Signature is valid!" << std::endl;

} else {

std::cout << "Signature is invalid!" << std::endl;


return 0;



**Important Notes for the C++ example:**

* **Include Paths:** Adjust the `#include` paths to match where PQClean is installed on your system. This is *critical*. The `api.h`, `sign.h` and `params.h` are part of the PQClean library and are algorithm-specific.

* **Linking:** You will need to link the PQClean library (or object files) into your project during compilation. This is done in the `CMakeLists.txt` file (see below).

* **Error Handling:** The code includes basic error handling, but robust error handling is essential in a real-world application.

* **Memory Management:** Be mindful of memory management, especially when dealing with cryptographic data. Use smart pointers or other techniques to prevent memory leaks.

* **Security:** *Never* hardcode private keys in your code. Load them from a secure location (e.g., a hardware security module or an encrypted file).

* **Key Generation:** The code generates a key pair. In a real application, you need a secure way to store and manage private keys.

3. **CMakeLists.txt Example (CMake Build System)**


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # Or higher

# Find Qt (if you're using it)

find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED)

# Include directories


include_directories(/path/to/PQClean/crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean) # Adjust this path

# Source files

set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp) # Your main file

# Other source files...

# Add executable

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCE_FILES})

# Link libraries


Qt5::Core # If using Qt

# Add the PQClean object file or library

/path/to/PQClean/crypto_sign/dilithium2/clean/dilithium2_clean.o # Adjust path!

# Or, if you built a static library (libdilithium2.a)

# /path/to/PQClean/libdilithium2.a

# Your other libraries

libsodium # Example if you are also using libsodium



**Key CMake Points:**

* `include_directories()`: Tells the compiler where to find the PQClean header files (e.g., `api.h`). *This is often the trickiest part to get right!*

* `target_link_libraries()`: Tells the linker to include the PQClean library (or object files) in the final executable.

4. **Replace OpenSSL calls (in your codebase):**

* Locate the parts of your codebase that currently use OpenSSL (or your current crypto library) for digital signatures.

* Replace the OpenSSL function calls with calls to your new `signMessageWithDilithium` and `verifyDilithiumSignature` functions.

**III. OQS Integration (Similar Process)**

Integrating OQS follows a similar pattern:

1. **Build OQS:** Build the OQS library according to its instructions.

2. **Include Headers:** Include the appropriate OQS header files in your C++ code.

3. **Link Libraries:** Link the OQS library to your project using your build system (e.g., CMake).

4. **Replace Calls:** Replace your existing cryptographic calls with the corresponding OQS functions. OQS provides a higher-level API that might be easier to integrate than directly calling the PQClean functions.

**IV. Detailed Steps for Integrating Quantum-Resistant Signatures (Conceptual)**

1. **Backup Your Code:** Create a backup of your existing codebase before making any changes. This is *essential*.

2. **Install Prerequisites:** Make sure you have the necessary tools installed (e.g., C++ compiler, build system, PQClean/OQS, your existing crypto library).

3. **Download and Build PQClean/OQS:** Download and build the PQClean or OQS library that contains the post-quantum signature algorithm you want to use (e.g., CRYSTALS-Dilithium). Follow the instructions provided by the PQClean or OQS project.

4. **Create a Wrapper Class/Functions:** Create a C++ class or a set of functions that wrap the PQClean or OQS functions for generating keys, signing messages, and verifying signatures. This will help to isolate the post-quantum cryptography code from the rest of your codebase and make it easier to maintain. This wrapper class should handle the low-level details of calling the PQClean/OQS functions.

5. **Replace Calls to the Existing Crypto Library:** In your codebase, replace the calls to your existing crypto library (e.g., OpenSSL) with calls to your new wrapper class/functions.

6. **Compile and Link:** Compile your code and link it with the PQClean/OQS library and your existing crypto library.

7. **Test:** Thoroughly test your code to ensure that the post-quantum signature algorithm is working correctly.

8. **Security Review:** Get your code reviewed by a security expert to identify any potential vulnerabilities.

9. **Deploy:** Deploy your code to a test environment and monitor it for any issues.

**V. Important Considerations for Integration**

* **Abstraction:** Create an abstraction layer for your cryptography. This will make it easier to switch between different algorithms in the future (e.g., if a better post-quantum algorithm is developed).

* **Key Management:** Use a secure key management system to store and manage your private keys.

* **Performance:** Measure the performance of your post-quantum cryptography implementation and optimize it as needed.

* **Hybrid Approach:** Consider using a hybrid approach that combines classical and post-quantum cryptography. This can provide some level of protection against both classical and quantum attacks.

* **Algorithm Agility:** Design your system so you can easily swap out cryptographic algorithms as needed. This is crucial as the field of post-quantum cryptography evolves.

* **Side-Channel Resistance**: Pay attention to potential side-channel attacks (timing, power analysis, etc.). Ensure your implementation takes steps to mitigate them. Some PQClean implementations may be more vulnerable than others.

* **Testing, Testing, Testing**: The importance of thorough testing cannot be overstated. Test with various inputs, different message sizes, and under different conditions to ensure your implementation is robust and secure.

Integrating post-quantum cryptography into an existing project is a complex task. It requires a deep understanding of cryptography, C++ programming, and your existing codebase. Follow these steps carefully and test your code thoroughly to ensure that your application is secure. Remember to seek expert advice when needed. Good luck!


Fedora Core 36 Installation for Cryptographic Libraries


Integration Choices